News and Recent Happenings

October 2024

Primary Colours in 2nd class

Second class were busy mixing primary colours red, yellow and blue to make secondary colours green, orange and purple. 

We also looked at the work of Piet Mondrian. Piet Mondrian was an artist who was most famous for paintings that used bold black lines to create squares and rectangles. He then filled some of the squares in using one of the three primary colours. We also created our own Piet Mondrian paintings!


5th class students got the opportunity to use stopmotion this week with some of their clay artwork.  The students were very creative and created a variety of stories and scenes.  Have a look at this compilation of their claymation videos.

Reellife Science  

4th class have spent the last few weeks creating 3 different videos to enter into the Reellife Science competition. They explored questions they had about the world around them. 

1 group researched 'How do planes fly?'. 

Another group researched 'What is ash dieback and how is it affecting our trees. 

The final group researched 'What happens to our body when we feel different emotions?'. 

The class really enjoyed the process and learned so much interesting facts. They also got great experiece in creating a film. The class did all the research and videoing themselves. Well done Fourth class!1

Sponsored Walk

On Thursday 17th October, all classes will walk laps of Bullaun Pitch to walk a combined distance of 230km to reach the Seal Rescue Ireland facility in Wexford. The children are excited to contribute towards the care and rehabilitation of injured, ill and abandoned seals in the name of Biodiversity.

First Class shared what they have learned about Irish Seals through video to the other classes. They travelled from class to class in small groups, answering their schoolmates' questions.

September 2024

Rang a trí have enjoyed visits from Bernie Doherty of the Heritage Council working towards 'Heritage in Schools'.

The children learned all about their local heritage and are already looking forward to Bernie's return. Thank you Bernie!

Trip to Craughwell Airfield

4th class have recently being investigating how planes fly and were lucky enough to get to travel to Craughwell Airfield to see some planes and pilots in action. The met with former Aer Lingus pilot Captain Owen Fitzgibbon and local pilot Donal Connaire who explained Bernouillis principle to us and answered all our questions.

ICT in Maths 

First Class are using IPads to problem solve in pairs, practicing turn taking, Maths talk and selecting strategies to come to a solution.

Trip to Carrabane Woods

Students from Junior and Senior Infants went on an fun educational trip to Carrabane Woods. The children explored through the woods searching for all the signs of Autumn. They learned a new Autumn poem, listened to an Autumn story, gathered some forest finds along their journey and finally returned back to the school where they created art using their natural materials gathered.

Healthy Eating Initiatives

Pictured above are Third Class students with their posters displaying their findings on the sugar content of the most popular drinks on the Irish market. They presented their findings to 4th, 5th and 6th class 

Students from 3rd-6th took part in a school based healthy eating initiative.  

Students from each class were split into small groups to research, undertake experiments and create posters and presentations to showcase their findings.  Each small group presented their findings to roughly 100 of their peers.

Each class focused on the following broad themes:

3rd Class - Healthy Choices for drinks

4th Class - Healthy Choices for cereals

5th Class - What is in a balanced diet?

6th Class - What is in our food? - chemicals, preservatives, sweeteners, marketing tactics etc.

As a school, we aim to provide the children with the knowledge and awareness to make good choices when it comes to their food now and into the future.

Stone Age Project Work - 5th Class

Students in 5th class created these shoebox history projects to showcase their learning on the stone age.  The focus of the project was to visualise life during the stone age. The students then presented their projects to younger classes.

Seal Rescue Ireland

First Class are engaging with Seal Rescue Ireland on their educational programme encouraging awareness of the effect of human behaviour on the safety of Irish seals. The children will be using technology to share what they have learned with other classes. 

Tennis Lessons

Between September and Christmas, all classes will get the opportunity to take part in some tennis lessons.  

It is great to see the children enjoying something new.  5th class were learning how to "serve" the ball last week.

Research Spaces 

Thanks to a recent laptop donation from Fidelity Investments Ireland, we have been able to equip the new independent research spaces at the back of each classroom with laptops.  

History Projects 6th Class

6th class created a wonderful display in our school to showcase Early Christian Ireland.  

6th class got creative and created models using concrete, clay and various other materials.

History Projects 5th Class

5th class have created artwork to replicate cave paintings from the Stone Age.  To give their artwork an aged look, they stained their paper using tea.  

They are currently working on shoebox projects to display to other classes throughout the school in the coming days.

First Class Foragers

First Class have been learning about the Sycamore, Horse Chestnut, Beech and Oak trees. They foraged for their fallen leaves at Turoe Pet Farm working together and following directions from the four expert 'leaf leaders'.

Autumnal Art and Craft

Classes are busy making and doing. Fully embracing the season of Autumn using a variety of Art elements as we start the school year.

Check out our previous school years in the archive section linked below. Press on the green button to visit each year.